As a Christian wife and mother, I have been horrified by the growth of the pornography industry in this country.  There aren't many towns or cities that I have been in that do not have porno shops.  It is my personal belief allowing this industry to even exist is an abomination to God.  Now, for those of you who want to take issue with me over this "free speech" issue, I would like to remind you that this is MY site, and I can put whatever I wish on it.  So please, don't even bother wasting my time or yours.  To me, wrong is wrong, period.  It is wrong to exploit women, children of both sexes or anyone, for profit.  However, I would also like to remind Christians that God hates the sin, but loves the sinner.  Jesus died for ALL of our sins.  As much as I detest this industry, I also do NOT believe in fighting it with violence. 


The following pages deal with pornography, the symptoms, who is affected and links for help or information.