I Am A Pro-Choice Christian

                 Yes, I am a Christian. And yes, I am pro-choice:
The choice to choose life without ridicule or shame,
Without harassment and without blame.
The damage is done, so now what do we do?
Commit another sin or two?
Do we steal life from this tiny one
Because we are afraid they'll know what we've done?
Do we ignore the little heartbeat, fingerprints and toes,
Thinking that way, nobody knows?
Save the whales but kill the babies
"My empty the womb," weep the ladies.
But, where is the cry for the little one?
Tell me, what wrong have they done
To not deserve to be called daughter or son?
Bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh
Don't be afraid....Nestle them close to your breast.
They deserves to know life and all He has to offer
Don't rob them of this...Don't be their stalker.
Reach into your heart, pull out your best.
Then rest in God, He'll take care of the rest.

Margorie Maxwell-Boys
August 21, 1999

used with permission







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