The Farm



Here at Barbe's Place we also have a small farm.  We raise Nubian Goats and chickens.  Goats are a lot of fun.  They all think they're big puppies.  We generally have babies twice a year and milk pretty much year round.  The babies are lots of fun to play with, and they're soooooo cute!

Ummmm, Mom!  Isn't it time for supper yet?

Honest Mom!  I really don't need my hooves cleaned and trimmed!  Honest!

Goaty Poetry





The chickens provide us with eggs and meat.  Our hens work hard and generally give us around a         dozen eggs a day.    

Our two roosters think that they've died and gone to rooster heaven because there are 14 hens for them to chase.  


We have quite a few different breeds of chickens.  There are some:

Black Austrolorps

Buff Orphintons

Rhode Island Reds

Barred Rocks

White Leghorns

Black Sex Links

and a few mixed breed chickens.