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"A Whisper From Within"

Today I felt a burden,
And decided just to pray,
And God seemed to tell me,
He knew I was having a bad day.

We know there's sometimes problems,
That come up, to spoil our day,
But I think I found the answer,
All I had to do was "PRAY".

I don't know what that problem is,
But I know I need a cure,
And if I'll only let Him,
He'll keep me safe and secure.

If I then still feel defeated,
And I want to run and hide,
I'll just reach out and know,
That He'll be standing by my side.

So when we feel downhearted,
Say a prayer and talk to Him,
He's much closer than you think,
He's just a whisper from within.

~Poetry by Ruth Ann~
Copyright 2000  By Ruth Ann

used with permission

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Ruth Ann's Moments of Memories



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