Be Friendly



Be Friendly

You may not stand in halls of fame
With honor to your name:
You may not own a lot of wealth
Nor even have the best of health:
You may not reach some earthly throne,
Nor claim a palace of your own:
You may not master some great art
Nor rank with those the world calls smart
BUT - you can be friendly!

You may not be a scholar great
Nor with the learned highly rate:
You may not wear a party face
Nor fill a great important place:
You may not write a book or song
Nor have the praises of the throng:
You may not ride in Pullman cars
Nor reach, through eloquence, the stars
BUT - you can be friendly!

Yes, friendly with the folks at home
And friendly where you chance to roam:
So friendly all along the way
With those you meet from day to day:
For people know it's well worth while
To wear a kind and friendly smile:
And reach to them a helping hand
However great or small they stand.
YES - you can be friendly!

Author Unknown







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