If your arteries have hardened
And arthritis slows your gait,
If your tired blood is stubborn,
Not inclined to circulate;
If your dancing days are over
And you cannot do the twist,
If your time is spent in brooding
O'er the many things you've missed.
If you're constantly complaining
On your rocker or your couch;
If you're ornery and cranky
And becoming quite a grouch;
Well, if this is your condition
And you get no sympathy,
Then it's time you started trying
A new kind of therapy.
Though you have your share of trouble,
Think of others with more pain,
Like the fellow in his wheelchair,
Who will never walk again.
Take time to write a letter.
And while pen is in your palm,
Thank the good lord up above you,
For the use of that right arm.
Try relaxing in the sunshine,
Note each flower, bird and tree,
Then appreciate your eyesight;
There are many who can't see.
When you tune in television
And each sound is loud and clear,
Just think of those who'd give a lot,
If only they could hear.
Yes, I've practiced what I'm preaching,
And I've learned there's joy to reap;
If you stop and count your blessings
And just "think before you weep".
-- author unknown --