I'm Looking Down From Heaven Mommy
looking down from Heaven Mommy
I don't like to see you cry
I remember how you loved me
I did not want to say good-bye.
I don't ever get very lonely
At night Jesus rocks me to sleep
I play with the other little angels
From cloud to cloud we leap.
There's a new little angel here
His mommy is very sad
Her heart is surely broken
And like you, she hurts so bad.
Could you do something for me Mommy?
If it's not to much to ask?
You were always so gentle and kind to me
So I know you are up to the task.
You see, I'm trying to help this angel
He misses his Mommy so
And as we look down together from Heaven
There's something you should know.
We will soon be all together
But there is time to pass till then
Could you hold her a little while
And try to be her friend?
We don't like to see you crying
Up here in Angel Land
So instead of pointing fingers
Could you please just take her hand?
It will make us both feel better
As we look down from up above
If you all are holding up each other
And remembering us with love.
Background & Graphics by Holiday Clipart
since 11/9/2001
Copyright ©2000-2002 Barbe's Place