If I Had This or That

If I Had This or That

When Abraham Lincoln was a lad

And lived in a hut in the wood,

No books, no lamp, no time he had,

And yet it is understood

He trudged many miles to borrow a book;

The light of the flickering fire he took

And studied whenever he could;

And none of his friends ever heard him say,

In a self-excusing and hopeless way,

"If I had this or that I would."

When Joan of Arc was a little maid,

Untutored, gentle, good,

And France was conquered and dismayed

By England's masterhood,

She had no wealth or armament;

Alone with her faith the little maid went

And freed her land as she could;

And nobody ever heard her say,

In a listless, longing, empty way,

"If had this or that I would."

When young James Watt sat by the fire

And watched the burning wood,

He saw the kettle's lid mount higher,

Observed and understood;

He had no need of a laboratory

To plan his great steam engine's glory;

He used his eye as he could,

And he never once was heard to say,

In a shiftless, thriftless, futile way,

"If I had this or that I would."

If now you will read your histories over

(As I earnestly think you should),

The fact will impress you more and more

In the lives of the great and good,

That they were those who never held back

For circumstance or material lack,

But arose and did what they could;

And never a one was heard to say,

In a weak, surrendering, doubting way,

"If I had this or that I would."




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