Our Family is very close knit and really loves the Lord.
We have been homeschooling our girls since 1992.
Kristel is our oldest. She is now 20 years old and will be graduating from college in May. She is then, hoping to get accepted into Medical School. She has a wonderful young man in her life named Daniel. He has been part of our family (by adoption of the heart) for a couple of years. We fully expect that the Lord will make a way for these two to be together forever.
Dawn is our youngest daughter and is 12 years old. Dawn loves ballet and horseback riding. She is also an avid reader and reads just about anything she can get her hands on.
have been Home Schoolers for 9 years. We felt led by the Lord to do this
for our children. Believe me, I had a big argument with God over this one,
but He won! And I'm so glad He did. Home schooling has turned out to
be one of the biggest blessings in our lives. It's not an easy task, and
it sometimes seems impossible. However, we always muddle through. We
Home Schooled Kristel from 7th grade right through her High School
Graduation. She had no problems whatsoever, getting into a really good
University. We are still Home Schooling Dawn. She's in the 9th grade
this year. It is my desire to eventually have a page just on Home Schooling and
a page of Home Schooling links for you.
Bob is
my husband. He's such a sweetie! He is very sick and disabled, so
he's home with us all of the time. I have to say, that he is one of the
greatest blessings that God has ever given me.
Here is a picture of Bob relaxing. You can't tell we're a reading family can you?
Here is a picture of Bob, Dawn and me on a Sunday morning at church. I'm the short one in the middle.