Megan's Page

Hello, My name is Megan.  I am an 8 year old Shetland Sheepdog.  Aren't I just the most gorgeous thing you've ever seen?  My Mommy rescued me from a breeder that didn't want me anymore.  The lady loved me, but none of my breedings would take, so she gave me to Mommy.  When I first came to live here, I was so scared of everything.  I hadn't been around people or cars or anything.  It took Mommy two years to help me realize that I didn't have to be so scared. 

This is me doing my begging trick.  I always do this when I want Mommy to stop what she's doing and love on me.  I have to admit that I do this a lot to her, but she always pets me and loves on me when I do. 

And this is me in my favorite place in the whole world to be.  I love it when Mommy holds me, even though I know that I'm too big a girl for her.  But that doesn't matter to Mommy.  She just holds me anyway.



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