A Memorial to Cindy

Our beloved Cindy left us for the Rainbow Bridge in January of 2000.  Her story is a story of happiness and love.  Cindy was adopted from the Humane Society as a Christmas present for Kristel in 1987.  At the time, she was already an adult dog, between 2 and 3 years of age. 

Upon arriving at her new home, Cindy was taken inside and placed in the arms of Kristel, her new mistress.  Kristel cried and Cindy snuggled.  It was like a match made in heaven. 

Cindy was never able to be obedience trained because of a collapsing trachea.  In fact, it bothered her to even wear a collar.  However, she was never a bit of trouble from the first day she arrived.  She was extremely intelligent and learned quickly the things that were important. 

As time went on, the bond between Cindy and Kristel grew stronger and stronger.  To Cindy, Kristel was her puppy, and needed to be watched over and taken care of.  If it was past Kristel's bed time, Cindy would go to Mommy, whine, and let her know that it was time to tell Kristel to go to bed.  Of course, as the years went by, Kristel's bed time grew later, but Cindy wanted to go to bed earlier. 

Then, it was time for Kristel to leave home for college.  Cindy was devastated.  The rest of the family gave her extra love and attention, but she was ecstatic every time Kristel came home for a visit. 

Finally, the years started taking their toll on her.  Cindy developed heart problems, was deaf, was going blind, and became incontinent.  She was carefully watched and medicated, but the day came when we knew that she was having more bad days than good ones.  Kristel came home from college, and Cindy was taken to the vet for one last time.  She fell asleep in Kristel's arms.  Snuggling to the end. 

Sleep well, little darling, until we meet again.


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