Dear Daddy:

            I don’t know how to say what is in my heart right now.  My heart is full of sorrow, but also filled with joy.  It’s not easy saying goodbye to one that you love as much as I love you. 


            Right now, I’m hurting.  Remember how I used to climb up in your lap, snuggle and watch TV with you?  Even though I’m all grown up, I wish that we could do that again. 


You’ve always been there for me.  We have talked, joked, laughed together and cried together too.  Even when I made mistakes or messed up in some way.  I might have known that you were disappointed, but you never made me feel stupid, or unloved.  You have accepted me as I am.  And even though we sometimes disagreed on something, you always allowed me to have my own opinions without making me feel that they were unimportant to you.


For over forty years, you have stood by me.  You’ve always been there when I needed you.  You have always let me know that you are proud of me, and respect me as a person.  You have always shown me that I am loved. 


Daddy, how am I going to live without you here in my life?  Oh, I know where you are now.  And I know that we will be together again.  But, what about life here on earth?  I just can’t imagine not having you here with me. Not having you to talk to.  Not seeing your smile.  Not being able to hug you and feel your strength. 


Daddy, I’m going to miss you terribly.  And I don’t want to say good bye.  But , most of all, Daddy, I LOVE YOU!




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